10:30 AM10:55 AMBlending physical craftsmanship with digital technologySession in English Subtitles in French RRRoy RodenhaeuserCanvastique 3D LimitedFounder
11:00 AM11:25 AMBeyond the shelf: Immersive retail experiences at DecathlonSession in French Subtitles in EnglishVAValentin AuvinetDecathlonLeader Digital LabsBDBaptiste DajonDecathlonAccount Manager & Technology Evangelist / Senior Software Engineer
11:30 AM11:55 AMLa vie secrète des animaux des profondeurs en réalité augmentée Session in French Subtitles in EnglishPFPhilippe FontReal IllusionsCEOMJMaeva JournoEditions LaroussePublishing Manager
12:00 PM12:25 PMFOOH - Le Graal de la Performance par l’EngagementSession in French Subtitles in EnglishMBMarcus BenistyThe Sun ProjectCEO - Head Of InnovationEHEnzo HolderLe BHV MaraisSocial Media Manager
2:00 PM2:25 PMA new era for Retail Sector with CORE 4Session in English Subtitles in French DCDavid CabiliXXIIHead of SalesBDBenoit DugelayConverteoPartner
2:30 PM2:55 PMDe VR à Google Tiles : les (vrais) enjeux de l'immersion dans l'immobilierSession in French Subtitles in English FCFlorian Couret-GinouxBNP Paribas Real EstateChief Innovation Officer
3:00 PM3:25 PMReinventing the Digital Customer Experience with Immersive TechnologySession in English Subtitles in FrenchEBEdouard BlondeauOrangeImmersive services program leadNSNeha SinghObsessChief Innovation Officer, Infinite Reality & CEO, Obsess
3:30 PM3:55 PMHyperpersonnalisation de l'experience client grâce à la neuroscience Session in French Subtitles in English CJBCharlotte Journo BaurWishibaCEOOLOlivier LocufierHABSCEO
4:00 PM4:25 PML'adoption et l'utilisation des technologies XR par le Crédit Agricole: Exemple des formations...Session in French Subtitles in EnglishFDFrederic DutertreCrédit AgricoleResponsable de développement Professionnel et compétences managérialesGPGuy PellissierCrédit Agricole Technologies et ServicesDirection Opérations Innovation
4:30 PM4:55 PMUsing AR mirrors and XR for offline to drive fashion, beauty, and FMCG Retail SalesSession in English Subtitles in FrenchPKPolina KlekovkinaFFFACE.MECOO & Co-Founder
5:00 PM5:25 PMTechnological intelligence serving the intelligence of the hand: CorpusIA, a solution for a more...Session in French Subtitles in English CCClaire ChâtaignerCorpusIAFounder
5:30 PM6:00 PMComment mieux décrypter les enjeux de l'IA ?NGNicolas GuyonComptoir IAInvestor & AdvisorJKJulien KhaskiMaddyness IARédacteur en chef